My poor furkids are bored. They've been stuck inside all day except for pee trips outside. (Well its cold & wet and windy!!) I've been finishing off my rag quilt, started Fri night with Marise and a few others. What a night that was. Got there at 6pm, left about 1am !!! I gave up before midnight, too tired, making mistakes, sore back.... but Marise kept motoring on! Anyway, finished it this afternoon, clipped, washed, and its in the dryer fluffing up now. And I haven't got blisters on my hands from clipping the exposed edges with scissors, tho was warned I would...must be my excellent technique, or not! LOL!
Having withdrawal from my paper stuff... this sewing machine work is all very well but it takes so long to get a finished product!
Awww it's a hard life being one of your dogs...lol. Hopefully the weather will clear up and they'll be able to get out and go mad.
Those poor babies, they look so depressed LOL.
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