What do they dream about? Chasing rabbits, chasing cats? Eating? I think Riley dreams about agility and little girl poodles! He had a fun time at agility training last night, ran a course off lead!!!!!!! (cept for the weaves, we're working on them) flirted with Nai his favourite girlfriend, made friends with Flash, shouted a bit at Ted E Bear, and spun on the spot so many times his little pea brain must be totally addled . Home for tea, then he crashed. Then about 1.30am he started howling in his sleep! What a crack up! This high-pitched AAAARRROOOOO! We only hear it when he's in a deep sleep. ( Vinnie never howls, he's not a dog....).
That's such a great pic, thanks for the smile! :)
It's a tough life...lol!
I think Paylee dreams of the day Poodles rule the earth Maw maw maw
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