The little boys look so cute, doesn't take much to tart them up. There is a cold wind blowing today and Gavin has disappeared for the afternoon so I found a spare few minutes to have a play.
Must stop sitting on the internet looking for STUFFFFFF to buy ( stop me Tracy!!!!) ...sposed to be saving for Senz, aren't we guys? But its so far away.....
Riley is sitting on my bed , peering out the window,shouting at someone over the road. He is a bit of a challenge this boy, but then I did ask for it, taking an Aussie import! We love him to bits tho.
Vinnie is curled up on his little couch, keeping a close eye on me. Abbie is snoring and Bruno is working up to the " ITS TEA TIME!!!!!!" performance where he nudges and woofs then shouts at us to get a move on. Because he is so sick Gavin has been giving in as soon as Bruno starts. He has created a monster! LOL! . Some days it starts at 2.30pm!!!!
Please tell me you bought something online.. then I wont feel so bad buying up a storm today.. Geezz no wonder we have to work!!!
Layout is really cute, hard not to be with Vin and the ratbag!!
Well....I just might've bought the Paper Pesto pack for this month....ooops!
Yep, you have to keep saving for SENZ Viv, I've got a cool bitzer shop to take you to! Heaps of ribbons, and buttons...cheap though, cos you will have brought heaps over at SENZ LOL!
Trace, no matter what, we'll have money to spend at Senz! Hope you'll still be there in Auckland.
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