Another day and we're still plodding along, no worse that we can see . Have been to the river swimming hole this morning before I go to work, so Bruno could have a paddle. He and Abbie spent a good 20 minutes sniffing, swimming( only a short swim for Bruno, about all he could handle) and more sniffing. Think he's enjoying all these trips to his favourite places. ( The Hawera cemetery yesterday to sniff rabbits!) The poodles are indignant cos they get left behind to eat breakfast....
Thanks Trace for the visit and the blog candy, and thanks Bailee for brushing the dogs, Bruno and Abbie just love the attention. Just hope you didn't take too much hair home with you!
Bee, couldn't wait to get home to tell her sister that she was brushing the "big" dogs!!! Bet it was nice and cool down at the river hole.
It was bloody cold actually, a cold wind and still no sun!! Got back into town and it was as still as and much warmer...
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