Wow Trace! Will my computer self destruct if I'm a bit slow onto this? I've been awarded this by the lovely Trace and have two questions to answer along with it.
1. Say something nice about the man in my life... I love the fact that Gavin loves our dogs as much as I do and even fights me for poodle cuddles!
2. Six ways I measure success in my life...
- We have a lovely home with our beautiful dogs and cat and Gavin is a great partner.
- Though my stepdaughter doesn't live with us now she has grown up into a lovely young woman, despite some very rocky times in her early teens.
- My family and Gavin's family are all very special people and we have a close, happy relationship.
- I have a great job tho (it gets stressful at times,) my workmates and my boss are wonderful and some of our regular patients can make our days great too, which makes up for the times when some people can be downright awful.....
- I have made some great friends through my dogs and dog training , its great to know there are people around who think the way I do about these beautiful animals.
- I have met more great friends through my scrapbooking/card making and love the way people I have never met can be so supportive via the internet!
On an extremely sad note, we said a very teary goodbye to our lovely, happy, noisy, cheeky big boy Bruno this morning. After a very quiet day yesterday and a restless night for him, we had the vets come today and he went very peacefully to sleep, lying on his bed, on the deck, in the sun, with the other dogs and our cat all there to say goodbye. Miss you my mate......
Soo sorry to hear about Bruno. I got your txt today, but as normal, didnt have any money in it to reply. Sounds lovely and peaceful, its so nice that the vets come to your home nowdays. Bet Abby misses him.
Oh Viv, that's sad news about Bruno. Hard doesn't begin to describe what it's like losing such a well loved family member. What a wondeful long life he had, spoilt rotten by you and Gavin, and how lovley you could be with him right to the end - that would have given him such comfort. Big hugs my friend.
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