Finished this a while ago (of all my furkids of course) but haven't got anything new to show and have to spend lots of extra time cuddling Bruno. He isn't a well boy, has been coughing up blood for a couple of days. Hopefully the steroids and antibiotics will help, otherwise its xrays to see if there is a growth somewhere..... Sposed to be going to my brothers wedding on Feb 14th and the goldies are booked into kennels. May have to be a change of plan ...really don't want to think about that.
Kicked the wheel on the supermarket trolley last night and I have a feeling my little toe may be fractured! No walkies today. Have to go to work tho, maybe a visit to A&E tonight! Gavin reckons I should wear training wheels , a hard hat and a high vis vest wherever I go cos I'm always falling over or hurting something. Cheeky bugger.
Oh Viv, my heart goes out to you with poor Bruno not being well - hope it doesn't turn out to be anything too serious. I love the box/album, and if the dogs could talk human speak bet they would say that too!
Thanks Trace. Bruno is at the vets today for xrays. The blood has stopped but the gagging cough is still there . Our vets are great, Bruno loves being there, Nick gives him lots of cuddles and Bruno talks A LOT to everyone!
I am thinking of you Viv and Bruno too. Hope he starts to be on the mend soon. Great explosion box, very cute.
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