Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bling it!!!

Its a new challenge over at The Emerald Faerie Garden Challenge blog  and we are challenging you to BLING it!  How easy is that!   I've used the darling Ebony from  The Garden Emerald Faerie ( Deb's Creations) .

I have to admit this card went through several transformations. Gorgeous paper but what i first put together was so horrendous I almost keeled over in shock!  EEEEKKKK!  LMAO!
Anyway, after much ripping of paper and gnashing of teeth I managed to alter it enough that I didn't feel too embarrassed to show it in public. Why is it that what you see in your head to start with turns out nothing like you imagined?
So, the paper is Kaisercraft Gyspy Sisters, and the tag comes in a sheet at the back of the pad with other designs. I just stamped on to it .
The corner flourishes are from Make it Crafty , covered in stickles , with no help from the cat this time.  The gorgeous lacy ribbon I bought goodness knows where, and the 
eyelet was added with a crop-a-dile thingamijiggy.

I'm entering this in Allsorts Challenge- things with wings
Delicious Doodles- lovely lace


Marlene said...

I can't imagine that anything you create would be "EEK" in a bad way! This is adorable!

Ruthie said...

Great project - its really gorgeous and the colours work perfectly

thanks for joining in the fun at Delicious Doodles


Emma (metalicbutterfly) said...

Oh this is adorable, I love the enchanted feel of your card...

Thanks for playing at Allsorts this week

Emma xxx

p.s we also have a design team call running until the 14th June

Maire Gamber said...

Very cute. I just love this lttle guy!

Fleur said...

What a gorgeous sparkly card.
Thanks for joining our challenge at ALLSORTS this week, Good Luck
Hugz Fleur xXx

Iulia said...

Adorable card, Viv! These colors are so magic and that lace looks fabulous! Beautiful coloring; love it!
Hugs, Iulia

Anonymous said...

i know. it happens to me all the time, i think almoust every time. some times it works out but sometimes it really looks like poop. i dont get it either, looks so wonderful in my head.
i think its beautiful and i love the colors and that image. see ya. hugs!

Juls said...

Love this!!! The colours are just LUSH!!! I adore the texture of that fabulous ribbon and the sparkle on her wings is just divine! Hugs Juls


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