Tuesday, April 21, 2009


What a night! Straight home from work, rushed out to agility with Riley....the little sod cocked his leg on my trackies!!!!  Got home, too tired to make anything crafty , then went to bed. 12am there was a BEEP!  Woke up to find Abbie missing, tracked her down in the bathroom, hiding from the nasty BEEP!   Then there was another BEEP!  Got Gav out of bed to disable the smoke detector in the hallway which I can't reach. Got into bed. BEEP!  Is it the one in the lounge?....about to climb up and disable that and another BEEP from somewhere said it wasn't that one. Meanwhile Gav went to the loo and Abbie tried to squeeze in there with him!!!LOL! No room darling girl!  BEEP! Can't find any more smoke alarms!!! Where is the noise coming from...no not the house alarm, that is WAAAAYYY louder.  Says Gav" Oh, what about the two smoke alarms I haven't put up yet?" Where are they? Not sure....  5 minutes and several BEEP!s later found them on top of the fridge. Batteries out...Yay! Back to sleep!  4am Riley starts to grizzle and jiggle in his crate. " Mum I drank lots of water tonight I need to go wee!" Well, I'm sure that's what he was saying cos I let him out and took him outside and it took him ages to empty his bladder! Back to sleep , Gav up at 6am, 6.20am the lights in the bedroom come on..." I've lost my wallet! Have you seen it? Got any cash for my lunch?" . So my day started...hope it improves....


Tracy said...

You poor thing. I have tissue here for you.

Trace said...

Arrrgggghhhh sleep deprivation such a form of torture...naughty naughty Riley...I still luv em though!

Tammi said...

:) Sounds like you'll need a good nap! (hugs)


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